Handlebar Carbon Aero Bolt-On Large

$215.00 AUD

We heard the requests and comments. “can’t you also make a slightly longer version?

Well, YES WE CAN and here it is!

We took the new shape of the Alloy Aero Bolt-On ( with that curved front ) and extended it by roughly 5cm to offer even more hand positions and versatility.

Featuring a Carbon front extension matched to the low-profile alloy clamps it is a true hybrid in our growing endurance range.

Utilizing the same ‘ family ‘ clamping design as our other models, it is compatible with the Arm Rest Kit for a direct-mount and integrated aero solution.

The 22.2mm round profile of the front carbon extension also means it is perfect for the GPS MOUNT 22.2 that we designed.

And YES, it does NOT extend past your brake/gear hoods on a drop bar bike …

  • Added length compared to other Aero Bolt-On models
  • Lightweight and Compact
  • Carbon/Alloy construction
  • Fits 31.8mm handlebars
  • Compatible with Arm Rest Kit – we recommend the new TOP MOUNT version
  • Compatible with GPS Mount 22.2
  • Weight : 138g

Suggested Add-Ons :

  • the new ARM REST KIT TOP MOUNT – designed for this longer version so the pads are positioned on top of the base bar
  • GPS MOUNT 22.2 – fits on the front section and allows for perfect placement of the device screen and data
  • TI BOLT SET – add some bling and drop some weight – these are half the weight of the standard hardware ..

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SKU: HB370 Categories: , ,


See the Video and Review from GravelCyclist.com here